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Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Competitors for Christ

29 November 2009

How Do We Give Our All?

Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

The question is very important and hard to answer. How do we give our all? We challenge our athletes to leave it all on the field. Not to hold anything back. Is it any different when we approach our Christian life? How do we surrender our all without holding back?

We come to periods in our lives when only God can bring about change. With each person it is a different place or point. Sometimes it comes from tragedy or a crisis, for others it is the emptiness in their life they seek to fill, and certain people have  the undeniable sense they should change their life. Changes in our lives can be disturbing but necessary in our DESTINY.

Choices that we make affect our DESTINY. For all believers there comes a point where we must choose God's will over our wishes. God give us the freedom of choice and we make the decisions each day that affect others. Other people make decisions or choices that affect our lives. Only when we choose to deny our self and seek Christ will we know the abundant life promised in our DESTINY.

Mistakes are made, compromises happen, and we all have sinned. The wages of sin as we know is death. We are separated from God's love when we sin. We become separated from family and friends through sin. But God allows us mercy and deliverance from sin. We will not experience our DESTINY until we depend totally on the power of Christ to cleanse and separate ourselves from sin in our lives.

God has s DESTINY for ALL of His children. To find that perfect peace and place is not easy. We first must surrender everything. Yes ALL. Is that easy? No, but it is not supposed to be.

Once we allow God to lead us, we find our journey will be directed not manipulated. Once we seek more of Him and less of ourselves we come into new dimensions of the spirit. We recognize not just what God is doing but what it takes from us to live in the fulness of our DESTINY.

God wants more from us than just saying we are Christians. Our works and areas of service are by-products of our salvation. They become the evidence of our witness. Our daily actions speak volumes of our relationships and the point of our surrender. God has a perfect DESTINY for each one of us but we must surrender all.

When we choose to deny our fleshly desires and obey God's word, when we learn to say no to sin and yes to service, we begin our journey to complete surrender. When Christ lives in us by faith we can surrender all. We will not be able to live in our DESTINY until we daily deny ourselves and follow Christ.

Matthew 16: 24-25
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

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